Archives February 2007


Well, with the impending doom of DST upon us, I did a very short primer presentation on DST at our most recent CWUG.

It is not intended to be the end-all be-all presentation on DST… It is just what it was intended to be – A Primer!

So with that said, here is a copy of the presentation in its wondrous PDF converted format! Cheers!

Christopher Kusek

DST 2007

Vista Drivers!

Well, I’ve found this excellent site with Vista Drivers, and with that, I provide you this link.

This page appears to be a nice consolidated source of Vista drivers – all stacked up and loaded in a single location.

For those of us running Vista, I would not hesitate to run not walk! to get these drivers!

Hope this helps you, I know it’ll help me. :)

Christopher Kusek