OMG! Free Brocade Certification Exam and Training (170-010) Expires Soon!

Some time ago I got notified about this, but then there was VMworld and R&R and I let it go by the wayside… Well guess what IT IS STILL AVAILABLE! Whoa whoa whoa, let’s calm down. I CANT CALM DOWN! FREE CERTIFICATION AND TRAINING! Okay, that is something to be excited about…

Brocade Certified vRouter Engineer

This track entitles you to pursue NFV Certification! (Alright, I had to look that up… Network Functions Virtualization Certification :))

Most of the steps of what you need to do are contained in this handy Quick Start PDF Guide – It includes:

  • Downloading the Virtual Router you can use to train and get familiar with
  • Setting up your Brocade account if you don’t have one (And activating it)
  • Registering for and taking the Training Course
  • And lastly, the Promo Code to register for the exam at a Pearson Vue testing center (Not included here, but it’s LITERALLY at that PDF link :))

It’s all pretty simple and straight forward and a good way to add to your resume / portfolio while at the same time getting familiar with a technology which has been baked into the industry for some time.  I mean, why not, right? It’s free?!? :)