How to mass follow and unfollow on twitter FOR FREE?!?!?

Yea baby, you heard me! For FREEEEEE!!! This functionality existed in the past and then twitter stripped it away (unfortunately) There were numerous ways which I covered in the past here

How to mass unfollow or follow people on Twitter .. and more

How to mass follow and unfollow on twitter: over 10k club!

But then it all went away.. until NOW! (Again ;))

Featuring Twitter Mutuality!

Twitter Mutuality - How to mass follow and unfollow users on twitter for free

I decided to give this a try today – Why not (I had hit an odd condition where I had a bunch of people I was not following but should have been!) so I decided to give it a try.

First I used three of my test accounts in order to ensure that it would actually function/work, and if it didn’t or my account was compromised I’d be able to simply change the password and move on.    It seemed to function and operate as expected… so I took it to the next level.

Lo and behold, BAM!  It worked! It not only worked though.. it worked VERY well, VERY fast and extremely efficient.  All for the major price of $0 (Wow!)

Is my account compromised? Will they use my credentials for evil? (This does not use oAuth for verification, so it’s VERY possible they’re storing your credentials in some database for major exploitation.   My advise there – Use the tool if you want and then change your creds… Until I get confirmation one way or the other of how safe and legit this may be (I seem fine for now) you can take advantage of the tool and move on.

In the past I’ve discussed tools which had limits for having over 10K followers/following.  This tool does not seem to be even phased by my 16k followers, so take that to heart and take advantage of this! If this works for you and you like it, be sure to let me know in the comments or on twitter @cxi :)