Do you take food or water for granted?

Sitting back, sipping your favorite Vitamin Water, or drinking straight from the tap.

Ever think that, a large population of the world don’t have the ability to realize the benefits of something like a tap?   Culturally, a majority of people don’t get enough water as it is on a daily basis when they HAVE the ability to free flowing water at their disposal.  

Think about the poor children and others who lack this luxury in any form of regularity.

We need to stand up and level the playing field for people in the world to be able to hold their own, take advantage of the things we have in bulk and the benefits we can pass down.


Projects like OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) and others have taken an effort in order to improve the lives of these children, though sadly these efforts apply intellectually to those who have had the opportunity to survive.

However, for those who haven’t quite survived via the luxuries we have such as Clean Food and Clean water (Note: I’m not even talking about Clean Air, lack of pollution, and a number of other high-risk type things – The same type of pollution which can cause corrosion of computing equipment in a ‘secured’ area) No,  I’m only asking about something which we can provide answers and solutions for.   Regular water, and regular food.

It doesn’t appear the US has taken this tact too seriously with the recent UN resolutions they voted against, leave it up to the nations to decide they say, instead of to the people.

There are solutions out there, but there need to be more, better solutions, which are available.

Water Preservation in the US does not trickle down to those who actually need the water (elsewhere) albeit in a drought our own decisions certainly impact us.   We need more efficiency in both the water we use and the water we waste.   Things will get better over time (~25 years) but we shouldn’t have to wait for solutions which are evident today.    Certainly I’m not asking for water regulators the likes of which Dune brought us (Though it’d be nice) considering the amount of water we as a species waste on our own, let alone while simply brushing our teeth or flushing the toilets.

This is not a call for you to change anything, because I’m not telling you how to make a difference, grin.   This is more of a question.   How much do you take food and water for granted?  How long could you go, and how intolerable would it be, if either of those were not in ready and clean supply?

Do you take food and water for granted?